Do you love me because I am beautiful, or am I
beautiful because you love

~Oscar Hammerstein II


Happy New Year

With just over one month behind me since my surgery I can actually say I am looking forward to a fresh start this year. I got through the holidays okay... was still able to enjoy a few of the things I like most about the holidays. Sometimes I still struggle with eating too quickly... that is a concern mainly because I don't want my band to slip. Just one more thing to work on. I didn't expect to make all the changes I needed to immediately. There is definitely a lot to work steps I guess.

Tomorrow I go for my first fill in my band. I am definitely nervous. No one I know likes needles, and I am not thrilled about them putting one in my stomach, but that is what I signed up for. Should be a quick procedure. Hopefully all goes well! Even without the fill I am doing pretty well. I reached a weight loss of 35lbs yesterday!

My husband and I have come up with many ideas for activities we can do together in the following months as we reach our goals for a healthier life. We plan to start doing Zumba this week... further down the road I would like to do more camping, canoeing, hiking, biking, and running. That probably won't be until summer, but I am looking forward to it just the same. What is so amazing is how much difference just 30lbs can make... I can't wait to see how I feel when I reach my goal!!