Do you love me because I am beautiful, or am I
beautiful because you love

~Oscar Hammerstein II


Happy New Year

With just over one month behind me since my surgery I can actually say I am looking forward to a fresh start this year. I got through the holidays okay... was still able to enjoy a few of the things I like most about the holidays. Sometimes I still struggle with eating too quickly... that is a concern mainly because I don't want my band to slip. Just one more thing to work on. I didn't expect to make all the changes I needed to immediately. There is definitely a lot to work steps I guess.

Tomorrow I go for my first fill in my band. I am definitely nervous. No one I know likes needles, and I am not thrilled about them putting one in my stomach, but that is what I signed up for. Should be a quick procedure. Hopefully all goes well! Even without the fill I am doing pretty well. I reached a weight loss of 35lbs yesterday!

My husband and I have come up with many ideas for activities we can do together in the following months as we reach our goals for a healthier life. We plan to start doing Zumba this week... further down the road I would like to do more camping, canoeing, hiking, biking, and running. That probably won't be until summer, but I am looking forward to it just the same. What is so amazing is how much difference just 30lbs can make... I can't wait to see how I feel when I reach my goal!!


Happy Thanksgiving

I must admit... today ended up becoming a much longer day than  planned.

My surgery was on Tuesday at 11:15am. I was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon. Since then, I have been resting and trying to make sure I get down all the fluids I am supposed to every hour. Today being Thanksgiving, all my family came to my parents for the afternoon. I thought I would be up to having so many people around, but I was extremely exhausted when everyone left. Despite being tired, I am thankful that I was able to spend time with people I love. I am also thankful they were willing to change the location of Thanksgiving so that I could attend.
Tomorrow will be another long day, but I look forward to it. More family.... and just a LITTLE shopping :)
I feel blessed that I seem to be recovering quickly and easily. I have very little pain and am able to drink more than is expected of me at this point. My only concern is the low-grade fever I developed this afternoon.
Everyone has been such a great help to me in so many ways. I appreciate all that has been done for me.... more than anyone could ever know!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!


Let's Try This Again

Time flew by me, and I haven't kept up with my blog at all. My intentions were good.... but there always seems to be something going on that keeps me from sitting down to type. I had hoped to use this blog as a way to express some of the difficulties I was having during all of the trials Louie and I have had over the last couple years. Instead, I am going to begin to use this blog to document a new journey/chapter in our lives.

Just over a month ago I began a journey that will last a lifetime. I decided to persue the LAP-Band. Earlier this year I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. This was a little difficult to hear.. my husband and I were ready to start our family, and this was going to make things more difficult. In addition, I have always been overweight. My doctor said the weight trouble was likely due to hormones. She put me on some medication, and we began trying to start our family. After about 2 months I made the decision that the weight had to come off for my own health and the health of any children I may potentially carry in the future. At the end of September I went to a seminar on bariatric surgery. I was impressed by what I heard and made the decision to have the LAP-Band that same evening. Since then, I have been through the ringer with all of the testing and appointments. I began my pre-op diet just 4 days ago and am now only 6 days from surgery! I am excited to receive this wonderful tool that will help aid me in the life changes my husband and I both want to make for ourselves and our future family.

I pray that everything will go well next Tuesday and that we will be able to find all the support we need in the changes we are making. They will not be easy changes, but together... we can accomplish anything!


Busy Busy Busy

Summer flew by and I can't believe I'm coming up on my last month of break. I thought the beginning of summer was busy, but this last month is going to be even more jam-packed.
Saturday is tubing for Mom's birthday. Work Tuesday and leave for camping Wednesday. Somehow I have to finish packing and shopping for the camping trip.
Later in the month there is a comedy show to attend, a field-trip with my daycare kids, and a garage sale (which I also have to prepare for starting now). About a million other small events fill in all the gaps between the larger events I have to do.
I've had a lot on my mind lately and a lot of ideas for things I want to do... Seems like time is flying by fast, and I have to figure out how to sort out all of my ideas. There's never enough time in the day... seems I am a victim of "the big rush" of life.
I actually can't wait to settle into a schedule again when my classes pick up in the fall. Hopefully that will give more structure and I won't feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions.
I am going to start writing again while we are on the camping trip. Hopefully I can become inspired by something while I'm up there. I really miss writing and sharing my work with other people.
For now, I am going to get some much needed sleep.
Until next time...



Woke up with an upset tummy and missed VBS thanks to it. I was sure today was not going to be a good day, but it didn't turn out half bad.
I made the first, of what I hope to be many, major accomplishments toward losing weight and becoming a healthier person. I turned down fast food for lunch... When I went through my first dramatic weight loss change I decided not to eat anymore fast food and was successful. Somehow, in the last two years, I have let it sneak back into my diet... the worst thing I could have ever done. But not today! And it felt really good to make that choice.
Also got to go out this evening and get some work done in the yard and begin sanding the coffee and end tables so we can get them stained and put them to use.
All in all, it ended up being a productive day.


First Thoughts

As a first-time blogger, I can honestly say I don't know where to begin. I have a lot to share, but am always afraid to share too much.
Today was a long day for me even though I was personally unproductive. I spent the entire day worrying about our puppy, Remmi. For the last few months he's been having seizures. Those may be easy to get under control, but as of yesterday morning he developed a digestive issue. Tomorrow I'll have to devote my day to figuring out what his new issue is. I'm sure it has something to do with his goat-like diet.
On a different note, I have had many realizations in the last couple of weeks. One being that too many people take life for granted and don't bother to cherish those around them. Losing two loved ones last winter was hard, and they were almost joined by my father this spring. It's a scary thing to nearly lose a person you were convinced would somehow live forever. I'm not sure when I decided my dad was never going to die, but I know I did because I was shocked by the reality that he was, in fact, mortal.
I hope to spend the rest of my life getting to know my loved-ones better and being close to them while they are still here to hold.
There is so much to do in such a short life. People need to slow down and live. Money doesn't matter when you die... and it certainly doesn't bring back a loved one. Money speeds up this already fast-moving world. Success should not be measured in prestige, money, fashion, or any other worldly "things." They will not help a person learn, grow, and most importantly love.
Although I think I have almost always known these things I did not really think about them much until this last year (and especially this last week).

Well, for someone who didn't know where to begin I've said quite a lot. I should probably go to bed now, so.... until next time...!